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The Event

Class C Slalom

Last Updated : Not Available

Tournament Website

Not available

Social Media Hashtag

Not available


    Predator Bay Water Ski Club
50.85039100492208 -113.92352324291488


Predator Bay Water Ski Club
Predator Bay, Foothills County, AB, Canada

Directions to Site

Dunbow Road East from Deerfoot Trail Left on 56th Street Left on 230 Avenue Drive to end of street. Gate Entrance to Pbay

Open Google Map

Spectator Info

Schedule Notes: Not available
Tournament Website:Not available
Official Hotels: no hotels listed
Other Hotels: no hotels listed
Spectator Info: Not available

Last Updated : Not Available

Tournament Website

Not available

Social Media Hashtag

Not available
Entry Closed

Tournament Info

Sanctioning: national
Sanctioning Country: CAN
Sanction ID: 24CAN139
Title Sponsor:
Level: -
Rules & Divisions: National Age Divisions & Rules
Organizer: Suzanne
Tel:           4036207259
Media Contacts: View Media Contacts
Media Manager: Not available
Graphic Designer: Not available
Photographer: Not available
Videographer: Not available
Webcast Company: Not available
Official Hotels: no hotels listed
Other Hotels: no hotels listed
Accommodation Info:

Competitor Info

Event Administrator: Suzanne
Mailing Address:   Not available
Tel:           4036207259


Competition 1 : Slalom
Male/Female: femalemale
Disciplines: slalom
Classes: C1
Format: Rounds
Age Divisions: {"M":"BU10BU12BU14MU17MU21MM35+M45+M55+M65+M70+M75+M80+ELITEMOPENM""F":"GU10GU12GU14W17W21WW35+W45+W55+W65+W70+W75+W80+ELITEWOPENW""All":"BU10BU12BU14MU17MU21MM35+M45+M55+M65+M70+M75+M80+ELITEMOPENMGU10GU12GU14W17W21WW35+W45+W55+W65+W70+W75+W80+ELITEWOPENW""LV":{"GU10":"Girls U10""GU12":"Girls U12""GU14":"Girls U14""W17":"Women U17""W21":"Women U21""W":"Women""W35+":"Women 35+""W45+":"Women 45+""W55+":"Women 55+""W65+":"Women 65+""W70+":"Women 70+""W75+":"Women 75+""W80+":"Women 80+""ELITEW":"Elite Women""OPENW":"Open Women""BU10":"Boys U10""BU12":"Boys U12""BU14":"Boys U14""MU17":"Men U17""MU21":"Men U21""M":"Men""M35+":"Men 35+""M45+":"Men 45+""M55+":"Men 55+""M65+":"Men 65+""M70+":"Men 70+""M75+":"Men 75+""M80+":"Men 80+""ELITEM":"Elite Men""OPENM":"Open Men"}}
Class: C1
Slalom - 2 Rounds

Entry Type: Open Entry - Unlimited subject to Entry Limit
Entry Limit: Not Available
Entry Fees:
Full Price
Class: C1
1 Discipline - $25 (CAD)

Entry Fee Discounts: Notice: Undefined index: eventEntryFeeDiscounts in /www/wp-content/themes/WorldWaterSkiers/tournaments/views/views-tournament/parts-desktop/part-athletes-info.php on line 596 Not Available
Discount Notes: Not Available
Boat Options: Closed (Tournament Boat)
Open to Foreigners: No
Prize Money: No Cash Prizes for this Event
Event Entry Limit: 25 pulls
Event Entry Late Fee: Not Available
Entry Open: August 16, 2024
Entry Deadline: August 20, 2024
Event Schedule Notes: Not available
Practice Schedule: Not available
Additional Event Notes: Not available
Additional Rules: Not available
Boats: no boats listed
Chief Judge: Mathieu Storrier
Chief Scorer: Tanya Bonham
Chief Tech: Mike Collombin
Chief Driver: Ashleigh Mutcher
Safety Officer: Jeff Swanson -   First Aid - Safety Course