The Event
2 Round Slalom - 4 Pass minimum

Last Updated : Not Available

Tournament Website:

Not available




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Event Description

2 Round Slalom - 4 Pass minimum

Last Updated : Not Available

Tournament Website:

Not available

Tournament Info

Sanctioning: USA Sanctioned
Sanctioning Country: USA
Sanction ID: 23X013
Title Sponsor: San Diego Water Ski Team
Level: -
Rules & Divisions: -
Accommodation Info:

Competitor Info

Event Administrator:
Mailing Address:   Not available
Tel:       Not available
Email:   Not available


Disciplines: slalom
Highest Class: C
Classes: Not available
Event Entry Limit: na pulls
Event Entry Fees: $20 SDWST Club members $25 non club members
Event Entry Late Fee: $0
Entry Open: Not available
Entry Deadline: Not available
Event Schedule Notes: Not available
Practice Schedule: Not available
Additional Event Notes: Not available
Additional Rules: Not available
Boats: Not available
Chief Judge: Not available
Chief Scorer: Not available
Chief Tech: Not available
Chief Driver: Benjamin Harwood
Safety Officer: Robin Harwood